Hello, hello, hello!
Well, yet another injury, though this one was not realized for nearly a month. So, the short story is I fell and landed on my right arm. No real unbearable pain, soreness and a bit of pain for a few days, but nothing to make me think a 'serious' injury had occurred. Now, fast forward 2-2 1/2 weeks... my arm is really starting to hurt when I try to straighten it all the way and rotating my wrist (palm up vs. palm down) is not that easy or enjoyable either. After about 3 weeks the pain is bugging me nearly all day and effecting how I sleep. So I decide to go to urgent care. Turns out, I either broke or cracked my radial head...your radius in a bone in your forearm and the radial head is where that bone connects in your elbow. HA!
So, the doctor says no cast is neaded (there is no longer a break evident in the x-rays but rather bone that looks recently healed) and thus he recommends that I wear a sling. I admit that I probably won't even use it because it's my right arm that's injured (i'm right handed) and being a teacher, I can't not write, so, the 'prescription' is no resistance activity with my arm (he could tell I haven't laid off any sort of activity that involves using my arm and lifting muscle other than the weight of my arm), so no push-ups, lifting, carrying things (even books and groceries...) basically anything that's going to put pressure on my elbow joint.
THANKFULLY, running is ok... but if it hurts my arm and/or write and/or elbow to do this, I should stop. Cross your fingers that all continues to heal. I ran a 1/2 marathon last weekend and don't remember my arm bothering me during running, although it was a bit sore after... Typing probably isn't great either, but oh well.
OK, enough of a book. Happy Easter!!!
Hattie rides a 2 wheeler!
7 years ago