Saturday, June 21, 2008

Eating Like a Big Boy

At breakfast this morning Tegan decided he was a big boy and didn't need my help to eat his yogurt anymore. Here's what happened:

For lunch I/Mommy decided that Tegan wasn't really using his picnic table down on the back yard patio, so Daddy helped me put it up on the deck and Tegan ate his lunch at his picnic table like a big boy!

He was SO excited!

Well, all for today... off to enjoy this beautiful weather and Savage's Dan Patch Days. :)

Love to all!


Thursday, June 19, 2008

Father's Day Weekend in Pictures

I'll keep the "talk" in this one brief. We had a wonderful Father's Day weekend in Rochester with Brendan's parents and youngest brother. We watched Tegan play outside much of the time with his new favorite thing: WATER. We also went for a lovely bike ride with Tegan in tow behind Daddy.

The next few are a sequence... you can imagine what he tried to do with the bucket... gulp gulp!

I mentioned in the last post how Tegan loves buckles... he's starting to "outgrow" that phase, but here's a pic.
Pretending to drink coffee with Grandma (she had been sitting with him).
Saying "cheese" for the camera!
Driving the tractor with Grandpa.

More new words are "appearing" every day: uppie (up), out, please (more often), bless you (though only I can understand it), hot, ow, cheese, bye & bye-bye... that's all I can think of. We were at the park today and Tegan blew a kiss goodbye to another mom as she and her children were leaving (she blew him one first) but it was TOO precious and he had the biggest grin on his face.
Lovin' from Grandma.

That's really all the "news" for now. Hope you enjoyed the photos :)
Love to all!

Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Little Engine That Can!

I decided this morning that Tegan is just that: Our Little Engine that Can! He is the poster child for "you can do whatever you set your mind to, and don't let anyone get in your way!" Examples are below...
The door handles on all the doors in the basement are levers, not knobs... what does that mean? OH, it means that Tegan can open them all by himself. Here, you can see for yourself :)
The moral of this tale is that if you are ever at our house and need to use the bathroom in the basement, it might be wise to lock the door unless you want to see T's head peak through and giggle while you're taking care of business. HA!

Meal time continues to always be a fun time for us... until Tegan is done. That's when the food and sippy-cups begin to "accidentally" fall on the floor. As far as eating utensils goes, well, Tegan only likes to feed himself like Mommy and Daddy do, with REAL silverware. As long as he doesn't hurt himself I guess I don't mind. How could I get upset at a smile like this?
This week has brought a lot of new experiences for Tegan (and I). On Monday we all (Brendan, T and I) took a trip up to REI in Bloomington to look for a chair for Tegan. He is very much into sitting in big boy chairs but all the ones I can find are SUPER expensive, so I just couldn't bring myself to spend $40 on a chair for a 16 month old, even if it will last until he's in kindergarten or 1st grade. Well, I found a kids' camping chair and it was the last one in the store. Thankfully it was blue (a gender neutral color) so it worked for the big man. Tegan was thrilled when I showed it to him, but when we got home all he wanted to do was carry it around and move it from place to place on the driveway. I told a friend yesterday, I'd love to put a pedometer on him and see how many steps and miles that little guy walks in a day! I don't think there was a spot on our driveway that didn't get to experience Tegan's new camping chair!

Did I mention that Tegan is very friendly? He took a break to wave at someone walking by. How polite?!

Then, a break to watch Daddy washing his bike...

And back to moving/dragging... Ok...time to put the chair away, I guess.
Oh, don't worry! Tegan did actually sit in the chair, even if it was only for a few moments.

Before I continue I want to make a note of all the words I've heard Tegan say more than a few times: doggie, Daddy, Mama, papa (grandpa), kitty, Roli, night-night, no, cheese (for taking pictures), please (though this one is very infrequent. I have decided not to teach Tegan any more baby sign because the few things he can sign he does not attempt to say much even though he can)... I think that's it. He's tried to say banana ('nana) but only a few times and after I repeat it, so I won't count it yet.

Another "new" thing that I need to get a picture of, but Tegan will now show you (and play with) his belly button when you ask him where it is. It's truly the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.

Ohhhh, I haven't mentioned naps yet. Well, this child is preparing for a major growth spurt, I think. He's back to regularly taking morning and afternoon naps as of this week, and these are no naps to sneeze at. His morning naps are between 1 1/2 and 2 hours and his afternoon naps are 2-2 1/2 hours! I feel like I shouldn't let him sleep that long, but he's still sleeping through the night and not getting up too early, so I figure he needs them. He'll even tell us when he needs a "nigh-nigh" occasionally... or if we ask him if it's time for a "night-night" he'll nod his head "yes" and go right down with no fussing! I'm sure this is only a phase and we'll, in turn, experience a stage where he thinks he doesn't need a nap, but I'll enjoy this while I can. I just wish there was more I could do during his naps as the length is so unpredictable that I don't want to get paint out only to have him wake up. My guess is this will only be a 1 or 1 1/2 week phase.

Speaking of painting, Tegan enjoys doing just that, though without the paint. I heard him rustling around in our mud room one morning before I had put the painting stuff out of reach and this is what I found. (sorry it's so blurry, the lighting was bad and he's not very good at standing still).

Your eyes are not deceiving you. That is a 15 month old child rolling the mud room door (sans roller cover and paint). HA!

On that cute note I will let you go.

Love to all!!!


Saturday, June 07, 2008

A Man's Man

Yup, that's Tegan. He is definitely a "man's man" when it comes to interests. He now "asks" to mow the yard with Daddy. It's more like a "uhh-uhh" as he guides us to the garage and then points to the lawn mower. I got that one started. I found a Kelty Kids frame carrier at Once Upon a Child the other day for $50! A fabulous deal and it is in like new condition, so that's even more exciting. Brendan asked when I thought I'd use one and I gave him a good list of places, events, times, etc. He followed with, "well, I'll never use it." Well, well, well... who was the first one to put it to use??? You guessed it, Daddy. HA! It totally made me laugh.Tegan also wanted to dress like Daddy the other night because he [Brendan] got all new team kit clothes (bike jerseys, shorts, skin suits...) so Brendan let Tegan try on an old skin suit. Let's just say it didn't fit so well, but Tegan enjoyed it for a while...
What else? OH, we had a fun playdate last weekend at my coworker's house. It was the first playdate that it was nice enough for us to go outside, it was such a treat! And even though my coworker has 2 girls, there was plenty of gender neutral toys (although the lawn mower was pink and purple), so Tegan was excited about that! I have to laugh because he really has NO interest in dolls, it's like he already knows they are "for girls." The only area that I'm confused on is that Tegan HATES to get his hands dirty, unless with with Daddy working on the bikes. If his food is messy he wants to eat it with a fork. When it comes to dirt or sand I've taught him how to rub his hands together and brush the dirt off. Although it's not very manly it sure is cute. But don't worry, he can burp and fart like a true man. (wonder where he got that from?!)

The last thing I can think of to report is that Tegan now can 'say' Roli (our cat's name), though it comes out as "yo-ee" and sometimes even "yo-yo". It's sweet, though, he'll make kiss sounds and tap his lap or the floor to try and lour (is that really how it's spelled) the cats over to him because he's seen me do that. :)

Ok, all for today, it's too beautiful to be inside blogging. Love to all!
