Then, a break to watch Daddy washing his bike...
And back to moving/dragging... Ok...time to put the chair away, I guess.
Oh, don't worry! Tegan did actually sit in the chair, even if it was only for a few moments.
Before I continue I want to make a note of all the words I've heard Tegan say more than a few times: doggie, Daddy, Mama, papa (grandpa), kitty, Roli, night-night, no, cheese (for taking pictures), please (though this one is very infrequent. I have decided not to teach Tegan any more baby sign because the few things he can sign he does not attempt to say much even though he can)... I think that's it. He's tried to say banana ('nana) but only a few times and after I repeat it, so I won't count it yet.
Another "new" thing that I need to get a picture of, but Tegan will now show you (and play with) his belly button when you ask him where it is. It's truly the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.
Ohhhh, I haven't mentioned naps yet. Well, this child is preparing for a major growth spurt, I think. He's back to regularly taking morning and afternoon naps as of this week, and these are no naps to sneeze at. His morning naps are between 1 1/2 and 2 hours and his afternoon naps are 2-2 1/2 hours! I feel like I shouldn't let him sleep that long, but he's still sleeping through the night and not getting up too early, so I figure he needs them. He'll even tell us when he needs a "nigh-nigh" occasionally... or if we ask him if it's time for a "night-night" he'll nod his head "yes" and go right down with no fussing! I'm sure this is only a phase and we'll, in turn, experience a stage where he thinks he doesn't need a nap, but I'll enjoy this while I can. I just wish there was more I could do during his naps as the length is so unpredictable that I don't want to get paint out only to have him wake up. My guess is this will only be a 1 or 1 1/2 week phase.
Speaking of painting, Tegan enjoys doing just that, though without the paint. I heard him rustling around in our mud room one morning before I had put the painting stuff out of reach and this is what I found. (sorry it's so blurry, the lighting was bad and he's not very good at standing still).
Your eyes are not deceiving you. That is a 15 month old child rolling the mud room door (sans roller cover and paint). HA!
On that cute note I will let you go.
Love to all!!!
Oh Tegan-You are so cute and adorable all at the same time! You also have one cute smile! Hang in there and enjoy Tegan!
That 'Babe Magnet' is so cute i can hardly stand it!!!
i love the blog update with pics galore -- so fun to see.
love to all of you,
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