Thursday, July 09, 2009

You Can Stop Whispering About My Belly

Yes, we are expecting our 3rd little bundle (I'm currently 11 1/2 weeks along). Baby Moore #3 has a pretty special due date - January 26, 2010:the 1 year anniversary of Ty's heavenly birthday. And we're OK with that, for several reasons. 1) what an amazing way to celebrate life?! 2) Baby's lung maturity will begin being tested at 37 weeks gestation and as soon as they are deemed mature I can be induced... so (assuming all continues to go well) Baby will more likely be born in early-mid January. Based on today's ultrasound all seems to look good. Heart rate is at 153bpm, he/she has 2 arms and 2 legs (even though they aren't really visible in this image), and he/she also has a nasal bone. What's the significance of the nasal bone you ask? Apparently it is often absent in children/babies with Downs Syndrome (at least at this point) based on what the US tech explained to me so that was comforting to know. Another comfort (even though physically it's not comforting) is that I've been feeling pretty darn sick - which is a good indicator that all is well with Baby.

Hope this finds all happy and healthy. Please add our new bundle to your prayers and that he/she continues to grow and develop properly and that this pregnancy will end with the fabulous miracle of us having a healthy baby in our arms in January. Thank you in advance!

Love to all!


The Van Nuland Family said...

Congrats! You and your family will be in my prayers!

Heather said...

JEN!!!!! You get your Pheonix Baby!!! I can't lie, I am so suprememly jealous! Conrgat's from every corner of my heart Jen! And I am SO GLAD to hear there is a nasal bone. So much luck and love being sent to you!! TONS! I hope you continue to feel icky for the normal time! ;) Icky is good!

Mindy said...

Yay, yay, yay, yay, yay!!!!! I have to admit, I was suspicious. You seemed to make a few (okay, several) facebook comments about feeling sick and being so tired. We're keeping you and Baby #3 in our thoughts and prayers :)

Elyse said...

YAHOO for you guys! You are definatly in my prayers! CONGRATS!

kristofer and ivy said...

I did wonder when you kept mentioning all the dreams on FB... Congrats!!