Friday, September 25, 2009

Trusting a 2 Year-Old

Why did we trust a 2 year-old on where his arm hurt when we took him into the ER on Tuesday? That's a good question! Given the area around his elbow (where he was complaining of pain) was the bruised and somewhat swollen area, but still... As it turns out, Tegan DID break his arm... but not by his elbow - by his shoulder. Therefore, the X-ray take on Tuesday didn't cover the shoulder and thus didn't show the "very clean" break that is straight across his 'Proximal Humerus' (or upper arm).

After a very quiet day at daycare on Wednesday and still not using his arm and crying every time he did tried to use it Brendan an I knew that something still wasn't right. We call the Twin Cities Orthopedic Specialists (the number the ER gave us in case T was still in severe pain after 24 hours) and spoke with a very nice doctor (who was on call, given it was nearly 8pm) who told us that there was no need to go back into the ER that night but to call the office again in the morning and they'd get T in first thing. So, that's what we (well Brendan, since I was working) did and the doc saw him at 9:45 yesterday (Thursday) morning. After a few x-rays the break was confirmed and we had to laugh because the orthopedist thought we already knew about it given we'd been to the ER. Brendan explained the situation and an hour or so later I got a text from B that the arm IS broken and that T's been put in a sling (the smallest they could find) and then wrapped with an ace bandage to keep the sling close to his body to prevent movement. For being such a good boy (T didn't want to LEAVE the doctors office, ha!) the docs gave him a sucker and Brendan and T stopped for a sprinkle donut (T's new favorite) on the way home.

So - here is is, our bandaged but now happy and comfortable big-little boy!

Take care and love to all!!!

~jenn :)


kristofer and ivy said...

A day and a half with an untreated broken arm - what a tough little guy! I hope he heals quickly. =)

I told Kristofer about T's arm. He, too, couldn't believe the ER didn't find the break! Do you get a discount on the bill if they miss a major injury??


Kimberly said...

All smiles, even with a broken little arm - what a guy! (And I can't believe how much he looks like Brendan in that second picture!)

How long do you guys need to keep his arm in the sling?

Jenn said...

Sling and wrapped up for 2 weeks... then super easy on it to prevent rebreakage until it's fully healed. I'm thinkin we'll try to keep the sling on for a week after the wrap comes off. We go back in 3 weeks for a follow-up x-ray.

Stephanie Luk said...

Is it horrible that I find these pictures of Mr. T in a sling adorable? What a brave little man!

Love you!