Wednesday, March 31, 2010

1st Run

Well, the B.O.B. guidelines say 8 months before you take your baby
running in the stroller. I say that's horse... Well, you know what
comes next.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Look Mom, No Feet!

Yes, he's only 3 :)

Flying - Horses

Here's a quick conversation T and I had the other day - I thought his logic was just too cute:
Me: Tegan, can you show Miss Michelle (our neighbor) how you can glide down the hill on your bike with no feet?
Tegan: Fly?
Me: Well, sure. It's kind of like flying I guess.
Tegan: (in a voice so genuine and sincere) Mommy, I can't fly - I don't have rockets on my bike!

OH - and when I asked T to tell Brendan about what the hay bales are for he said the same thing he'd told me and this followed:
Brendan: Oh?! We're going to have horses? Where are they going to live?
Tegan: In our backyard!

He said something else the other day and now I can't remember what, but I'm sure it'll come to me.

I've got pictures downloaded off the camera and waiting for me to blog about them (for C and T) so now I've just got to find the energy (I've got the time after the kiddos go to bed, just not the energy, ha!)

Love to all!

Friday, March 12, 2010

Horses and Hay

Here's the latest Tegan quote:

Tegan: Mama, what's those?
Me: You know what those are, remember? They start with hhhhhhh [making the 'h' sound]
Tegan: Oh yeah, Hay bales.
Me: Yup! Good job.
Tegan: Ya, and ya know when we have horses some day we can borrow it [the bales, he still has trouble with singular & plural pronouns]
Me: Honey, I don't foresee us ever having horses :)

Happy Friday!
Love to all...

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Just like Mommy?

So my MIL (Mother-In-Law) says that Casey looks just like me as a baby... I can see it a little bit, but I think that Casey is WAY prettier and has a much cuter nose (I hate my nose). What do you think? (about our baby pictures, not my nose - silly you!)
Love to all...

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Wednesday Morning Laugh

Me: "Tegan, you're full of bologna!"
Tegan: "Bologna?"
Me: "yes, that means that I think that you're lyin'."
Tegan: "I'm not a lion, I'm a BOY."

Love to all...


Sunday, March 07, 2010

Quote of the Day

Tegan: "I love you, Mommy, 'cause you go poop in the potty lots of
times!" (following tegan going poop in the potty)

Runner-up: (picture Vana White arm motions as Tegan presents me with
the potty with his poop) "Ta-da!!!!"

Love to all!

Friday, March 05, 2010

Monthly Pics

1 month

2 months

Thursday, March 04, 2010

3 - 1 - 6 Focusing on 6 (which is now 9)

So did I get to my post last week? I guess not (just checked). My apologies.

Well, the little one that in the title was once the 6 is now actually 9. Yes that number referred to Casey and her age at the time of the first post with the 3 - 1 - 6 title.

So as I posted yesterday, as of Monday Casey weighs approx 10.5 pounds and is 22 inches long. That's a 5 pound weight gain since leaving the hospital the first time and a 3.5 inch growth in height/length! Can you believe it?! I sure can't - I still see my little girl as the 5.5 pound baby I brought home with skin wrinkled legs and arms due to low body fat... those days are definitely no more. Casey has plumped up nicely and even has a few rolls :)

At her doctor appointment C's pediatrician, Dr. Judy, showed me Casey's length and weight from birth to now on a graph compared to the various percentiles and it's just amazing to see how (compared to full term babies) Casey has gone from below the 10%ile to nearly the 41%ile (if averaging the length, weight and head circumference %ile values).

I looked up Tegans 1 month stats (so that I am comparing them at the same ages based on due dates) and Casey's weight is 1 ounce more than Tegan's (but Casey had a very full diaper when weighed, so that makes up the difference and then some). WOW! I laugh because a coworker of mine told me that all of her kids got big fast as babies and she decided she must have made whipping cream for breastmilk - well, it looks like I do, too! And, Casey is a good eater. I guess Tegan didn't get to the 90%ile from us bottle feeding him (and offering too much)... C is on the same track with almost exclusively breastfeeding.

Another interesting thing I learned was that it is totally normal for Casey to be developmentally a few weeks "behind" (compared to full term babies) until she's anywhere between 6-9 months old, though she's already doing most of what a 2 month old is expected to do. She smiles, coos, gurgles, kicks, focuses on people (though like most babies is also intrigued by lights and the light from windows), lifts her head off the ground (when doing tummy time) for a few seconds at a time... all those kinds of things. She doesn't smile as much as a full term baby does at 2 months/8 weeks, but I've noticed that most things C is "supposed" to be doing at a certain age usually happens about 2 weeks later, so I expect a lot more smiles within a week or so.

In addition to being weighed and measured and looked over Miss C also got 2 shots and one oral vaccine. The oral (for rotovirus) went great. It's flavored and super sugared up so that the kids will take it. However, the shots didn't go as well. Unlike her brother (will I ever stop comparing them?) Casey cried, well, like a baby the moment the needle touched her little leg and it definitely took some soothing to quiet her down. I felt so bad, but at the same time I would much rather wish a few moments of pain on my little girl than the pain and suffering of any of the viruses these vaccines will prevent. I also can't say that I mind the extra time to blog and get stuff done around the house on Monday due to the fact that the vaccines made C extra sleepy. So sleepy that my little girl who generally goes 3 hours between feedings during the day went 5 hours between her breakfast and mid-day feeding (which became her lunchtime feeding) on Monday morning. Unfortunately, the past 2 days have brought some pretty not-so-fun fussiness, which is uncommon for my little girl, who is generally a pretty darn happy and content baby. Hopefully, though, she'll turn the corner soon and all will return to normal.

Hm... what else to share about Miss Casey? She generally sleeps really well at night, going about 4-5 hours between feedings now and sleeping well in her pack'n'play. I think she'd probably do well in her crib, but the nursery is one of the colder rooms in the house and I don't feel comfortable getting a space heater for her room because I could see Tegan wanting to play with it.

I plan to take a few pics of Casey today in Tegan's chair. I've decided to do a monthly picture in Tegan's "Anywhere Chair" from Pottery Barn Kids that I got him for Christmas. It'll give us a good reference for how big she's getting as we can compare her size to the chair's for at least the next 4 or 5 years. I've got one from when she was 1 month old and I have a few from when she was a newborn, but Tegan was holding her in those. Still, you can see the chair and her size compared it its [the chair's] size.

Well, I think that's about it for today. Hope you enjoyed the pictures - most are from when Casey was 2 weeks old and I did a little photoshoot of my own with her (and Tegan).

Love to all!

Tuesday, March 02, 2010

Quick Stats for Miss C

My little girl is growing so quickly, in age and size. Yesterday Miss C had her 2 month well-baby check and here are her stats (remember that her birth stats were 5 lbs 12 oz and 18.5 inches):
Weight - 10 lbs 8 oz (so 10.5 lbs) 41%ile
Length/Height - 22 inches 32%ile
Head Circumference - 15.3 inches 49%ile

A more in-depth post is in the works... should have it up tonight or tomorrow.
Love to all!