Thursday, January 29, 2009

Our Angel

While at the hospital we were offered a photo shoot with Cindy of Prominence Photography, a photographer who also does work for Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep, a non-profit organization that offers photography services to families whose infant has passed or will soon. To be honest, at first I was grossed out by the idea of having the body of my baby photographed after his death, but I knew that if I didn't take advantage of this opportunity I would probably regret it for the rest of my life. Thank GOD I trusted my instincts, because I can't imagine not having these and more photos of Ty. None of them match what is in my (or Brendan's) memory, but they are surely helping me cope, even though they make me cry every time I look at them.

Presenting, Ty Gary Moore... the little angel I was blessed to hold in my arms, but forced to say good-bye to... I know I will get to hold him again someday, but that knowledge doesn't ease the pain.

Saying Good-Bye For Now...

Thank you to everyone for their thoughts, prayers and kind words. You will never know what your comfort means to us!
All for now...
~jenn, brendan & tegan

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A New Angel Is Among Us

I'm going to keep this short as I will soon be blinded by my tears.

Our little angel, Ty Gary Moore, was called to his eternal home by our Heavenly Father sometime yesterday afternoon. He was born into our world this morning at 8:15 weighing 4 pounds 3.5 ounces and measuring 18.5 inches in length. He is a beautiful boy and we will miss him dearly. We do not know what happened and probably will not for a long while if ever...

All that we ask is that you keep us and our families in your thoughts and prayers and give your little ones extra lovin'!!!

love to all!
~jenn, brendan and tegan

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Pregnancy Update: 33 Weeks

Well, I'm officially 33 weeks along (baby is 31 weeks gestational age... if you're confused, Google it). I had my last monthly check-up on Monday and here are the stats:

My weight was/is up 7 pounds from a month ago! (needless to say I was in shock, despite the fact that the last month included Christmas cookies)... then came the belly measurement.

I'm measuring at 35 weeks (not the 33 that I really am) so that is exciting for me, assuming it doesn't mean that I have a huge baby in there. I learned that apparently I've been measuring 1-2 weeks ahead the entire pregnancy, so that was news to me.

Baby's heartrate was 136, nice and strong. My midwife commented that Baby must be sleeping... then he performed some acrobatics. I explained that we've got an athlete in there :)

Baby is head down but has not dropped, which is a good thing because that usually happens shortly before labor begins, especially with 2nd+ pregnancies.

I think that's it... HAPPY WEDNESDAY!

Monday, January 12, 2009

Phrase of the Month: NO WAY!!!!

Shortly before a "No Way!" outburst

If only you could experience the true wrath of T's tantrums! WOW! When you usually hear the phrase "No, way" you think of someone being sarcastic or saying it with humor, as in "no way, Jose". Well, that is NOT the case at all with Tegan. His "no way" is more of a screeching, screaming "No WAAAAAY!" with some terrible fire in his eyes! However, after saying that I must admit that it is SO hard for Brendan and I not to start laughing at T when he does this because it's usually in response to us announcing bedtime. :) I've explained to Tegan that this is not a nice way of talking and it is not acceptable in our house. He is now slowly transforming the phrase to something a less harsh, but still funny... it's now "NO! Not me." Still, it's just too funny to see.

Browsing the "choo-choo" catalog... a daily activity :)

Another experience of "No way!" for me occurred this morning. I was in the bathroom and hear what sounds like Tegan choking and gagging. I quickly make my way out to find T (and the couch) COVERED in vomit from the neck down. At first I just figured he had choked on a piece of cereal from his breakfast (he usually eats dry cereal on the couch for breakfast while watching Little Einsteins). So, I comfort him, tell him all is OK and that Mommy is here... I strip his PJ's off, wipe him down and get him changed into his clothes for the day thinking he's fine to go to daycare. I then give T another kiss, plop him back down on the couch, grab his empty juice cup and head to the kitchen to fill it with some water. Seconds later T appears. I explain that I'm filling his cup with water and to wait just a minute and the next thing I know vomit is shooting from his mouth across the kitchen floor. 2 thoughts rush through my head: 1) It wasn't choking that happened while I was in the bathroom, it was T REALLY getting sick and 2) thank GOD this 2nd round is on the kitchen floor... SO much easier to clean up! (is that a selfish thought?). Well, after a few more 'rounds in the kitchen I got T stripped down, again, and back into a pair of PJ's. Well, after about, OH, 30 calls to Brendan's call I finally got a hold of him (he was at hockey) and was granted another blessing: he could/would stay home with T while I went to work.

Baking with Mommy

OK, so that was a LOOONG story. The happy ending is that T's feeling oodles better (even insisted on grilled cheese for lunch). And, after a nearly 1 hour fight at bedtime last night I expected the worst tonight and was blessed with a 30 second whimper after I said goodnight the FIRST time tonight! YAY!!!

Tegan's FAVORITE thing in the world: B-U-T-T-O-N-S!!!

Hm... what else is new? Brendan's brother Ben visited for the weekend. Needless to say, Tegan LOVED it! Uncle Ben got to read bedtime books both nights he was here. I even snapped a few pictures:
On the pregnancy front: I will be 32 weeks along tomorrow... only 5 weeks to go until full term and 8 weeks until my due date. I can't believe it's nearly over and couldn't be more excited! I'm sure as soon as Baby comes I'll miss being pregnant and having that connection that only a mother and child can have during pregnancy, but I'm excited to sleep ANYWAY I want (side, back or stomach!) I wake up nightly with aching hips from having to always sleep on my side. I'm also excited to no longer wear pants multiple inches above my belly button and only a few inches below my, um... chest. :)

As far as names go, we've got 2 we really like but I think we'll just wait until Baby arrives to pick THE one. The 2 we are constantly going back to are Ty and Camden (Cam for short).

Looking oh-so innocent

Chillin' on the couch w/Daddy

OK, I'm tired and need some "brain rest" time (i.e. veg-out time in front of the TV). Love to all!
p.s. enjoy the latest family photo... we don't get them often! :)