Monday, September 25, 2006


Well, it's getting itchy and lemme tell ya, by the end of the day, there's really not much of a belly button left! Thankfully there's those inbetween house where I get to sleep and belly shrinks a little bit (you know, due to digetstion and gravity and who knows why else). Oh, and you may have heard of the incredible shrinking man or woman or whatever... well how about the incredibe, expanding BOOBS! the darn things just won't stop growing. Seriously! They were big enough long before this whole pregnancy thing. I guess to that one I say, "thanks mom!"

Well, not a whole lot else to say. Baby is pretty quiet today, but I think it's cause I was busy yesterday (went hiking with my friend Jen, no not myself, another Jen) and then I'm all "drugged" up on allergy medicine (which doc says is safe) but I think it puts Baby to sleep :) Once I ate a little after work s/he started movin' a bit, so I'm not too worried.

Here's the latest pics... just about 21 weeks along! (amazing how quickly it flies once I stopped puking every 5 minutes)

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Baby Bump at 19 1/2 Weeks

Well, I've heard complaints about there not being a pic of the belly for a while, so here it is. 19 1/2 weeks along and growing daily, I think! Feeling lots of stretching tonight, but that could be the 2 cookies, 2 handfuls of Doritos, 2 glasses of milk and a few bites of tuna noodle cassarole (gotta have something healthy, right?) that I had for dinner over the course of the last 2 hours :) We're off to Cable, WI (near Hayward) this weekend for the "big" race: Chequamegon Fat Tire Festival. Check for updates about that on Brendan's blog. Happy Weekend!
~ Jen & Baby M
P.S. Here's a pic from the ultrasound that Brendan doctored up... sure made me laugh cause the thought of me having a child that's a biker is just that funny! (just kidding!) :)

Monday, September 11, 2006


Hello all! Well, this morning was our first scheduled ultrasound and it went OK (keep reading). Baby looks fantastic, so that's GREAT, mom was the one having a bit of trouble. They have you lay flat on your back, which causes an artery that runs down your back to be compressed by baby's and other baby stuff's weight thus limiting oxygen flow to both of us... I think mostly me in this case. To make a long story short, I got sick :(
Extremely embarassing for me, despite the fact that the technician said it's really quite common. She said that when she was in for her u/s with her first she passed out from the limited oxygen. Ok, enough about me. Baby looks great! 10 fingers and 10 toes, 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyes, 2 kidneys, 1 stomach, 1 bladder, 1 heart with 4 ventricles... we got to see more than we'll hopefully ever see of our baby's insides ever again (Lord willing!) Here are pics... most are labeled within the scan. One is of the profile, but it's not very good because we have a very stubborn child on our hands that wouldn't turn over, but rather liked getting it's pic taken facing forward. OH, the other cute thing was s/he had the hiccups! HA! The poor thing only had a few seconds between each one, too! Well, all for now. Gotta work!
~ J & baby M

Monday, September 04, 2006

Bump, bump, bump!

Well, it's official, Baby Moore is an active little person! I felt the first kick yesterday that you could feel externally (if that makes sense). Was just sitting with my hand on my stomach and BOOM... ok, so really it was a tap, a strong tap (speaking of, he/she is saying "hi" right now). It was SO COOL! I immediately grabbed Brendan's hand and he claims he felt one too as did our friend Jen Meyer. Since then Baby has been quite active. Baby prefers my right side, although when I woke up this morning s/he was just about dead center... now back to my right side. MAN it feels strange! It's like there's a little ball rolling around right under your skin or something, that's the only way I can think of to describe it.

Nothing else to report, baby-wise, if there is anything the kicks have totally overshadowed it in my brain. The only thing I can think of is that I'm up another pound, which is good.

Brendan had a SUPERB racing weekend up at Maplelag Resort in northern MN. We had a great time and hope to go visit the resort again. Check out his blog for a race recap and race pics. Happy Labor Day!
~Jen and our future cyclist (according to Brendan and all his friends) otherwise known as Baby M :)