Monday, September 11, 2006


Hello all! Well, this morning was our first scheduled ultrasound and it went OK (keep reading). Baby looks fantastic, so that's GREAT, mom was the one having a bit of trouble. They have you lay flat on your back, which causes an artery that runs down your back to be compressed by baby's and other baby stuff's weight thus limiting oxygen flow to both of us... I think mostly me in this case. To make a long story short, I got sick :(
Extremely embarassing for me, despite the fact that the technician said it's really quite common. She said that when she was in for her u/s with her first she passed out from the limited oxygen. Ok, enough about me. Baby looks great! 10 fingers and 10 toes, 2 arms, 2 legs, 2 eyes, 2 kidneys, 1 stomach, 1 bladder, 1 heart with 4 ventricles... we got to see more than we'll hopefully ever see of our baby's insides ever again (Lord willing!) Here are pics... most are labeled within the scan. One is of the profile, but it's not very good because we have a very stubborn child on our hands that wouldn't turn over, but rather liked getting it's pic taken facing forward. OH, the other cute thing was s/he had the hiccups! HA! The poor thing only had a few seconds between each one, too! Well, all for now. Gotta work!
~ J & baby M

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