Well, Tegan's settled into the routine: feed/nurse, (poop during first 1/2 of feeding), burp, feed/nurse, burp, change diaper, sleep--> repeat about every 2 hours (give or take depending on the time of day and how the feeding went). Needless to say, I feel like this kid lives at the boob! HA!
The first week went relatively well. Having Grandmas here for several days definitely helped, especially when it came time for showering and dinner time for the grown-ups. Brendan and I even got to enjoy a candle lit dinner Friday night thanks to G'ma Moore and G'ma Eastwood! THANK YOU to both of you!!!
As of Saturday morning Tegan had gained back 2.5 oz (he had lost 9oz before we went home) so he was 6 lbs 15.5 oz as of Sat am. We could weigh him here at home, but that would require hanging him from Brendan's fish scale that he uses to weigh his bikes and heavier bike parts... I but the kabosh on that, though! :)
Feedings are going ok. T's got a condition called Tongue Tied. The tissue connecting his tongue to his lower jaw is attatched near the tip of his tongue so he can't stick his tongue out past his lips and thus can't latch on properly. Currently it's just painful for Mommy (to put it simply: OUCH!!!!!!!!!!) but, since it doesn't correct itself with time, down the road it could cause Tegan to have dental and or speech problems, which we definitely don't want.
SO, next Monday at his 2 week appt the doc's gonna snip the tissue to allow Tego to have more freedom to use his tongue and to give Mommy's boobies a break from the pain. Praise the Lord that it's this easy to fix!
Well, getting to be time for the next feeding and I haven't even had breakfast yet. Love to all!!!
~jen & tegan
~jen & tegan
p.s. some have asked how we pronounce T's name. The 'e' is long, so Tee-gan. :)
Actually Tee-Gan would be the right way to say it unless you are from north of the border.
Hi Jen, Brendan & Tegan...
What a beautiful family :) Great pics! That's quite a 'tan' T's got goin' there :) Can't wait to hold him again!
Love...G'ma E.
I think I'm in love :)
i want to hold that little guy so much!!
sending love,
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