So we went to Chili's on May 11th (sorry, a while ago) and Tegan decided that his/Brendan's ice water was a bit too bland, so he added the above to them.
Who cares if the Splenda was still in the packet. Oh, and yes, he was wiping his mouth with the napkin. :)
In a bit of more recent news, Tegan can now feed himself with a fork!
YAY for Tegan! He'd prefer to use one of Mama or Daddy's forks (the real ones) but for safety sake we prefer he use the "toddler" forks.
Let's just say they aren't as good as picking up food as metal ones. Bless his heart, though, T just tries and tries to pick up his food with the little plastic forks until he succeeds... even if it means that he has to use his fingers to put the food on the fork. HA!
No pics of this next one yet, but T now knows how to "shhh". I've gotta get a pic of this one, though, cause it's SO funny! he pushes his finger along the side of his nose and basically makes a really wet s sound. Every now and again he'll actually get the sh out, but not too often just yet.
Hm... what else? Have I mentioned that Tegan now gives kisses? He's gotta work on closing his mouth, but he's got the lips to lips part down. Hehehe. He will also kiss across the room by making a smacking noise with his lips. I taught him that if he wants a dog to come over (i.e. my parents' dog, Lady) he makes the kiss noise and then taps his leg. He is too cute when he does that. Too bad Lady is virtually deaf... I'm pretty sure she wouldn't come to T if she could hear him calling her.
"My belly is AWESOME!"
The last thing is that Tegan has learned that a step (stair step that is) is the perfect height for him to sit on but just squatting down. He can sit that way and his feet still touch the ground. He just sits and looks over at us and gets this great big grin on his face like he's done something SO exciting and special.
Just notice the floor, if possible. To Tegan's right is the eraser top of the mechanical pencil and those long black lines on the floor by the receipt/paper are the pieces of lead that came out of the pencil. At least he knows that he should only write on paper and not the floor or wall. :)
I'll finish with some AMAZING pics that Brendan's friend Dana took at last week's Buck Hill race. She's an amazing photographer! Dana, if you read this, thanks for sharing these pics with us!!!
Jamming to the music. Yes, he's dancing... he's about as good as Brendan, but since it's Tegan it's cute.
Love to all!
I hope you're supporting the friend and buying fruity cheerios, not fruit loops. Brendan looks mighty pleased with Tegan's antics in the video. Hope all is well.
Thank you so much for such a great compliment!! I am so glad you enjoyed the photos.
BTW- I love the color of your kitchen!
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