Friday, August 22, 2008

Big Brother!!!

Yes, you read that right. I was going to try to wait until next Monday to post, but I just can't. Tegan is going to be a big brother sometime around March 10, 2009! YAY! (If you're trying to do the math in your head, that puts me at about 3 months along.) We are so very excited! That will put the kiddos just over 2 years apart AND I won't have to go back to work until the fall after my maternity leave. Woohoo! I haven't decided if I'm going to start a separate blog to "journal" about the new pregnancy or combine the two... what do you think???

Eating cereal like a big boy.
Ok, now that I've gotten that out of my system, on to the reason you logged on. :) The past week has been a bit tough on me since it's the last week before I go back to work for the school year. I also think T is sensing my anxiety and sadness as he's been VERY cuddly. We have been able to do a few extra fun things, though, to make the end of the summer be extra special. (And it's also the last summer T will have me all to himself.)
On Saturday we decided we were sick of being home so we called up Grandpa Eastwood and decided to meet up at the Como Zoo in St. Paul. I think T was more interested in all the people and things around him rather than the animals. However, we did get to go into the butterfly exhibit they have and T seemed to really enjoy seeing the butterflies that landed on Mommy and 'Papa. One even landed on T's hat. It was cute, too, because other kids were pointing out the b'fly on T, even though he couldn't see it.

Sunday was especially nice, in my opinion, because we had NOTHING planned. No bike races, no trips, NOTHING. Just church and a beautiful afternoon for Mommy, Daddy and T to spend together. We ended up cutting down some branches and vines that were hanging quite low in the backyard, as well as a little bit of weeding and a lot of just play relaxing and fun. Tegan did learn how to knock on the windows and doors... that's how we woke Daddy up from his super long nap :) Hehehe!

Grandma Eastwood came to get her dose of T-time on Wed and Thurs this week, so T really enjoyed that as he hasn't seen her in a few weeks. Thursday was extra special because we got out of the house again and went for a walk around the Galleria in Edina to window-shop. As always, T loved seeing and saying "hi" to all the people there. We even let G'ma go into a plate store (or dishes or tableware or whatever you wanna call it) but T and I didn't stay long as 1) it's not our thing and 2) the last thing I wanted was for T to reach out and grab something only to have it and several other things come crashing to the ground. :)
Safety First!

Thursday night we went to visit some of my friends from High School. One of them even brought her little boy, Braden, who is 2 and both he and Tegan had a wonderful time. It was SO cute watching them play together... even though T basically just copied everything Braden did. HAHA!

Today I decided that T and I should have one last special breakfast together, so we went to Panera and split a strawberry smoothie and a spinach and artichoke souffle/quiche. We both enjoyed it, and even though T probably won't remember the experience, I will. He was SO excited to sit in a regular chair, drink the smoothie from the super fat straw it came with and eat the same thing as mommy... all without wearing a bib.

To finish the week, we went to St. Paul to have lunch with my sis, Amanda. T slept most of the way there, which has made this afternoon's nap very difficult, but he TRULY enjoyed all the attention he got from his Auntie Amanda and all her coworkers.

Never thought you'd see one of these, did you?! HA!

How's that for a week's recap? Hope you are all doing well and your summer is wrapping up nicely, too... even if you don't have the summers off :)

Love to all!


Monday, August 11, 2008

18 Months Old!

Well, Tegan is now officially 18 months old, yup 1 1/2 years! I cannot believe how fast the time is flying. Geez! T had his 18mo check-up last week and here are the latest stats:

Weight: 29 lbs 2 oz = 87%tile
Height: 33.2in = 81%tile
Head Circum: 18.7in = 44%tile

I always find it funny that T's head measures smaller than average because it seems so normal to me... maybe it's because it's just not huge like a lot of kids' heads. Who knows. Regardless, I think his head is perfect. Here's a pic of how perfect his head fits in his new helmet... which he wears everywhere!
The past several days have been a bit rough on us, again, though this time we are pretty darn sure it's because of teething. Tegan now has a VERY runny nose and it constantly chewing on his fingers. I'm trying to remember to give him Tylenol, but I also don't want to give it to him if he doesn't seem like he needs it. Tylenol or not, the poor guy is having a heck of a time sleeping at night since he gets all plugged up and just has to have that darn paci in his mouth. It's tough to breathe and suck on a pacifier at the same time. I finally gave up on rocking him the other night and we came out and slept on the couch together for a while so that I could keep his head elevated and I could sleep too. That helped a bit and he did sleep all night last night w/o waking up even one time. What a big boy! I also think it's because he's given up on the paci when he just can't breathe with it in.

Last week I found a garage sale gem... a Little Tikes jungle gym for only $20! Even better was the fact that the sale was just down our street so my dad and I put it up on the top of my car and drove it home. T loves it, despite the tears in the pics (we tried to take the paci away). I also found a Little Tikes Cozy Coup at another garage sale (2 doors down) and they gave it to us for free since it was staying in the neighborhood. It's definitely seen a lot of love, but it still rolls, so that's all that T cares about; that and the door opens and closes and the steering wheel spins! :)

I'm trying to think of what else has been happening in our little world, but I really can't think of much... I guess no news is good news, right? I know there's something I've been meaning to put in here, but I can't remember right now. Sorry.

Love to all!

Friday, August 01, 2008

I know, I know...

It's been a long time since I last blogged, sorry. I'll make sure to post several pics this time to make up for last week's lack of pictures.

Trying on Daddy's new t-shirt.

The last week has been rather busy for us, even though we haven't really gone anywhere. Last week T and I had our first picnic together in the backyard. I sat on the blanket and ate and Tegan ran all over the yard and came back for bites as needed. HA! I swear, the kid burned more calories exploring the yard than he ate for lunch. Silly boy!
Where's Tegan???

Peek-A-Boo! There he is! :)
He did, though, show me that he can swing on the big-boy swing all by himself!!! WHOA Tegan!

This was a tiring week for me. Tegan had a really rough few nights where he just didn't want to sleep. I don't know if the poor guy has bad dreams, or has been sleeping extra lightly, or if it's teething or what, but Tuesday night was especially rough with me basically being up from 3 on with Mr. Cranky-pants. I don't know what it was, but it went from wanting the pacifier (which had fallen out of the crib) to "needing" to be rocked, to wanting Daddy but not wanting to lay in bed with Daddy to finally, at 5a.m. being "up" for the day. UGH! Thankfully T took a nice long nap from 8-11:30 that morning... and so did I. Unfortunately there was no afternoon nap that day, so we had a cranky afternoon. Wednesday night wasn't as bad, though T did end up in bed with us after an hour or so of rocking, pacing, singing, comforting, crying, etc. Last night was SO much better, with him only waking once and just for the paci (on the floor).

New developments over the past week or so include an EXTREME obsession/fascination with the train set that G'ma Moore is gradually building for T. For Christmas and B'day T got a some tracks, bridges and trains for the BRIO train set. Now, all I hear throughout the day is "nains?" Yes, that's how he says trains and he LOVES to play trains and make them crash off the tracks. It is cute to watch, though T really wants you to play WITH him. After about 20 rounds of trains it gets a little old for Mommy and Daddy... to say the least. "Mama" Moore, be ready to play LOTS of trains next time you come visit! :) Oh, and the blocks "Mama" Moore got him are now a favorite to stuff down his shirt! T just loves it when they all fall out. Hahaha!

Another new interest for Tegan is books! Yes, Tegan will now sit in your lap and read books with you. His favorites are the 2 that, again, G'ma Moore got him. They are peek-a-boo or lift-the-flap books, and thank goodness the flaps are strong! Tegan isn't the most gentle person with books, but he sure loves to find what's hiding.

Last Saturday Daddy, Tegan and I played in the back yard for a good long while with the garden hose... though I think Mommy and Daddy had more fun getting Tegan wet than anything. It was just too cute to hear him squeal and giggle when we squirted him, he loved it! (sorry, no pics of the water part)

Last are a few pics from our weekend at G'ma and G'pa Eastwood's...

Trying out Lady's kennel. :)

I know there's more to tell but my mind is running blank... so, that will be all for now.

Love to all!