Thursday, April 23, 2009

Fire Truck Fun!!!

Our daycare provider knows one of the Shakopee firefighters so she asked him to come out to the house and bring a truck with him... he showed up with the "Big Daddy" of the trucks - the ladder truck! Needless to say the kids LOVED it, Tegan included. Oh, and whose child found the one lever/button that shouldn't be pushed? Yup, that'd be mine! HA! Tegan found the lever to the air break and pulled it immediately. Thankfully the only harm done was a big burst of air in his face that royally scared the pants off him (figuratively, of course). I wonder if this was taken after the lever was pushed as T doesn't look too thrilled to be sitting there. :)
Love to all!

1 comment:

Sara A said...

That is SO cool! Evan would be super excited if he got to check out a REAL firetruck too. We're all about the trucks at our house.