Thursday, April 02, 2009


Maybe it was an April Fool's joke...

Maybe I jinxed it by "not" blogging about it

Whatever it was, it was cruel!

Not more than a few minutes before midnight the normal night-time routine (or what has become a routine I should say) began. Yes, I'd let T lay in our bed with hopes of taking him back to his bed after he got the hugs and cuddles he "needed" - but then I'd fall asleep. Twice it worked out OK. He got his cuddle time in, we all fell back asleep and the next time I woke up I'd quietly carry Tegan back to his bed. He'd protest a bit, but I'd remind him that I was across the hall and NOT leaving him and that he was safe and he'd fall asleep in a matter of seconds (literally).

The 3rd time, though... must be that "charm" that goes along with the 3rd time I guess. It was at 5:45...

Yes, it was only 45 min from when my alarm was going to go off, but still. I wanted Tegan to get up for the day from his own bed. I honestly don't remember the last time that happened. If 5:45 had been the first time in the night he came it, it would have been another story. Heck, he made it until 4:30am on Sunday (I think it was Sunday, at least) before he got up. Anyway, I woke up at 5:45 and was going to do the 'quietly carry him back to bed' thing... but that time he protested - loudly - forcefully - kicking - screaming - crying - "No Mommy!" - "Mommy wait!" - "I want Mommy" - and all that. I tried my best, I stayed firm to the "plan". I said, "No, Tegan. It's nigh-night time. You need to stay in your bed and Mommy is going to sleep in her bed. I can leave the door open or close it, what is your choice?" Usually the "door open or closed" choice tells him I mean business and he gives in and says "leave door open, Mommy" followed by a few whimpers and then he lays his head down and goes to sleep.

But, NO! Not this morning. He fought it until Daddy finally gave in and let T lay on his [Daddy's] side of the bed until 7.

Needless to say I lost it this morning when I was asked what was wrong... as some say - "The $hit hit the fan." I left in a storm of stomps and tears and crying and yelling and, I'm sure, making others feel bad, even though within all that I explained my reasons for being so upset. I hope I didn't hurt any feelings too bad, I know Brendan understood and didn't take it personally (I already talked to him about it).

But STILL - COME ON!!! I just want to sleep undisturbed. All my friends' toddlers transitioned beautifully - we thought we had for a few weeks there, but apparently not. Why us? Haven't we had to deal with enough? Can't we be spared this ONE trouble? I pray and pray and pray, and I KNOW that we have life so much easier than some. We have a healthy 2-year old, who is healthy and, generally, happy. We both have our health and our parents and relatives have theirs (for the most part)... ugh!

I'll stop there. I've gotta work.

Love to all


Shannon said...

I literally just got off the phone with a friend who is struggling with this with her 2 year old. She said they tried EVERYTHING... and that the one thing that finally worked is that they put one of those handles on the doorknob on the inside of the room so he couldn't open it and get out... It wasn't a safety hazard because she could still get in, he just couldn't get out. She said it took a couple days and he's been fine ever since. I'm not sure if you are comfortable with this or not, I just thought I'd pass it on...

OH and FYI, I heard a fire fighter speak and he said we should all close the bedroom doors of our children when they sleep. He said that most fires don't start in children's bedrooms any ways and that having the door closed prevents smoke inhalation if there is a fire in another part of the house...

Just a thought... Good Luck, I don't envy you!

Richard said...

"Solve your child's sleep problems" worked wonders for us, but you probably have already heard/tried that one. It is hard and I feel for all of you. Keep the faith.