Sunday, April 05, 2009

Sweet, Sweet Sleep

AH... the feeling of waking up after only being woken up by the pitter-patter of my little boy... I mean big boy's feet 1 time the past 2 or 3 nights has been nothing less than amazing!

Yes, I/we have finally been sleeping well for a few nights in a row. I don't know if any one thing did it, but obviously something did. My guess is that it's a combination of everything we've done: moving T back upstairs, the smaller/lower to ground toddler bed, firmness about nighttime routine and meaning good-night when we say it, and less time in Mommy and Daddy's bed during the night. I ALSO think the disappearance of T's night terrors has helped a ton too! If T does make it into our room (I try to get to him before he gets to me now) I let him lay with me for maybe 5 or 10 min (if I can stay awake that long) and then I carry him back to his bed and he STAYS and DOESN'T CRY! It's fabulous!

OK... all for now, gonna go spend time with my "Big Dude" (as Brendan calls him) ;)

Love to all!


Heather said...

YEAH!!! Small victories!!

Elyse said...

YAY for small steps and a GREAT night of sleep!