Wednesday, March 08, 2006

So I Blog like I goes on.

Hello to all who read this, however many or few that is. Word on the street (specifically my husband) is that I should keep up on my blog a little more frequently than I have been lately; so here goes.

So, yet again I've changed my training regimine. The Advanced I was just kicking me in the you-know-what a little more than I'd like and taking nearly 2 weeks off for my case of strep and then a sinus infection didn't help matters. Basically, the only difference between the 2 training schedules is the mileage and intensity. In my new one the runs, as a whole, don't get as long and as intense as quickly as the Advanced schedule. I'm gonna try to get my new schedule on here, but this blogger thing doesn't really support spreadsheets, at least not when I've tried. I've got a few more tricks up my sleeve before I give up on that endeavor.

I have decided that my official goal pace for the Med-City is 8:30. For the TC Marathon I had a goal pace of 9:00, which calculates out to about a 4hr marathon time, but being that I finished at 4hr42min I didn't really achieve that goal... even if you take out the 10 minutes that I was harfing on the side of the road that only takes me down to about a 4 1/2hr time. This way, with a 8:30 pace and a resulting total time of approx. 3:45, I should be able to hit that 4 hr mark a little more closely this time. Plus, now I know what various bodily feelings are telling me and those override preset schedules (such as, drink when I'm thirsty and don't drink just cause it's available). Hopefully this will solve one major problem. Also, just cause it feels like I need to pee at mile 20 doesn't mean that I really need to. :) A few interesting things I've learned in my extensive marathon career... or maybe just trying not to repeat past mistakes.

Ok, enough gabbing for tonight. I just made cookies and they are smelling great so I think I'm gonna go reward myself for my workout tonight (which I pushed myself quite hard at! GO ME!) Happy Hump Day!


Brendan said...

I think you are on the right track with training...listen to your body, push it hard, and be sure to recover properly. On the hydrating thing, you should drink before you are thirsty, but take lots of little don't have to slam the entire cup each time...maybe only a 1/4 or 1/2.
Back to work=)

Anonymous said...

Hi chica, go you! you're doing awesome and I feel confident that you will meet your goals. I miss you and want to chill with you soon!