Tuesday, July 11, 2006


We got to hear the heartbeat this morning at our first official appointment. WOW! We've seen the baby on an ultrasound when I was about 6 weeks and saw the heartbeat then, but hearing it is a whole new experience. Wow! That's all I can say is "wow!" It's simply amazing to think there's a living thing in me. Crazy! Also, it turns out that I've lost a few pounds since I've been so sick, so it's hard to think that something is growing and thriving when I feel so crummy.

Also, my nurse-midwife said that morning sickness usually peaks at around 9 weeks, which was last week when we were in Colorado and I felt so horrible every day. SO, that could explain why I felt so sick and maybe it wasn't the elevation after all. Either way, I'm feeling relatively well today, especially considering yesterday wasn't so great.

Actually, right now I'm watching "A Baby Story" on TLC and this woman is determined to go through labor and delivery without any pain medicine and she's screaming like crazy... let me tell you now, when it hurts, I'll be askin for drugs. :) All for today!
~jen & baby m

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