Wednesday, December 12, 2007

10 Month Stats

Tegan's 9 month well baby check-up was yesterday even though he's just over 10 months. Here are the stats:
Weight: 23/11 pounds = 80%ile
Height: 30 inches = 80-85%ile (the doctor said 85th and the sheet the nurse wrote for us said 80th)
Head Circumference: 45.3cm = 40%ile (which surprised me because it's always tough to get T's shirts over his head. HA!

More pics later... I'm posting from work.
Love to all!!!


Laura said...

Whoa! He's bigger than Steven; although, Steven has gotten skinny since he started crawling and walking. Tegan is so adorable; looks like he might be a tall guy and with those baby blues y'all are going to be in trouble when he gets to be a teenager! It's so much fun when they start to really move but it changes everything. Watch those electronics and cords- they're a favorite with Steven!

Room 307 said...

Hey!! So cute! I have a friend who's 7 months old is the same weight as T!! = ) EXcited to see you guys!!