Monday, May 11, 2009

Bikes & Chicks (not to be confused with biker chicks)

As I think I mentioned, Saturday was the first bike race of the season for our family. Tegan had a great time despite the cool (I'd even call it coldish) temps. Our photographer/biker friend Dana was there and took a few shots of T... I didn't realize I was in the pictures to - haha. I thought they turned out pretty cute, though, regardless of my semi-smile. :)

Then there are the chicks... Today after school I picked Tegan up from daycare and then we went back to school to visit my friend Chrissy and the "baby chickens" (as T calls them) that her class is taking care of. I was pretty sure Tegan would like seeing them, but didn't know how ENTHRALLED with them he'd be. It was so sweet to watch and T was so very gentle with the one Chrissy took out of the cage for him to see more up close and even hold. :) Needless to say, I think we'll be hearing about the chicks for quite a while and may have to go visit them again before they go back to the farm.

Hope you all had a wonderful Monday. Can't complain about mine and I even got to go spend some "alone time" at Target (you other moms know what I mean - a trip to Target just isn't the same when the kid(s) go with you).
Love to all!


Alison Lea Photography said...

So cute!!!!

kristofer and ivy said...

Awww, the Mama/Tegan pictures are adorable. You look great!!


Echloe said...

Your son is really cute. I hope you enjoyed your Target visit. I love alone time at target. Fun fun.

Katie Houts said...

B and I were just checking out your pictures, and when he saw the picture of Tegan and the chick, B goes: "Look, Mommy! Chick! Nummy, nummy!" :) (Then I explained that we don't eat baby chicks.) Haha!

Mindy said...

Hi Jen. Thinking of you lots today on the anniversary of Ty's death. Hugs your way...
