Saturday, May 30, 2009


Well, I'm officially outnumbered at our house - not just by boys/males (that happened when Tegan was created)... now it's by bike racers. Yes, Tegan entered the world of bicycle racing at Thursday night's Buck Hill race.

I thought for sure he'd be intimidated by all the music and screaming parents - uh, I mean cheering fans. The little guy fooled me, though, and wore a smile from ear to ear the entire time.
YAY! I'm guessing he'll be doing all the races (kids' races) from now on... guess I'll have to start bringing a "real" camera to the races again.
Got these with my cell phone. The video isn't too great quality, but I think the still shots are pretty good. Enjoy!

Love to all!


Laura said...

Oh my goodness, he is just too cute! Our boys both want to be just like Dad!

kristofer and ivy said...

Cuuuuuute!! Look at him go!
