Wednesday, April 11, 2007

A Big'n!

Well, we've got a big'n!

Today was Tegan's 2 month DR appointment.
Here's the latest:
13 3/4 lbs --> 91%
23 5/8 inches long/tall--> 74%

Looks like all that eatin' is paying off! HA! The doctor even commented on the strength of T's quads/thighs :)

(like the smirk on his face? HA!)

Speaking of thighs, today was also the day for Tegan's first round of immunizations... 2 shots in each thigh to be exact. Poor little guy seems to be a bit sore tonight. Hopefully another round of Tylenol will help with that. And, it should give him a chance to take a nap (he's now been up for 3 1/2 hours). Enjoy the pics...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

awwww -- i recognize that blankie!!! It looks like T likes it. I'm so happy about that.
much love,