Saturday, June 30, 2007

So Much Waste! :(

OK, first off I'm beyond upset because I just wrote up a great story and it disappeared when I highlighted it to change the font. DANG! I'll try again. Before I start, take a guess as to what theses 3 bottles contain... no cheating. Now, continue to read and you'll see if you're right...
Here's the short of what I wrote:
- Tomorrow (Sunday) we leave for the annual Thimesch 4th of July celebration
- Last year it was at 9,000ft. elevation in Frisco, Colorado where I spent a week hugging the porcelin god due to morning sickness as I was 9 weeks pregnant at the time
- This year we are heading to Lake Okoboji in Iowa... no morning sickness anticipated, though I do expect to continue to experience some sleep deprivation :)
- I tend to keep 3 days worth of Tegan's milk (my milk) stored in Nalgene bottles in our fridge
- It's not too logical to transport 3 days worth of milk for a 5 day vacation and my milk only lasts for about 3 days
- I had to do something any nursing/breastfeeding mother hates to do... yes, I dumped 96+ ounces of breastmilk down the drain! :(

In other news, we/I bought Tegan some neat blocks at a garage sale this week... they are especially cool because most them have a hollow core that contains a semi-hidden toy. So, here's what we did. Tegan LOVED our trick... at least for a few minutes :)

Have a GREAT 4th of July!!!



Room 307 said...

That SUCKS about the milk... I hated that!! = ) Too cute with the blocks... have a fun time, we get into town on Friday night, I'm excited, getting a little cabin fever here. I'm so loving the veggies, we tried sweet potatos, and she totally loved them. Now that she's learned how to actually SWALLOW the food, it's a little bit better of a process. Can't wait to see you! Hey... question... do you scrapbook??


Anonymous said...

you should try getting the the little baggies specifically for pumped milk...they can be put in the freezer for at least 10 days...if not longer, and they are super easy to store and easy thaw as you need them. just a thought!

Jenn said...

Not sure who commented above regarding the freeze 'n store bags, but I do have a freezer full of milk already. Everything I've read, though, says if you're gonna freeze you need to do so within 24 hours of pumping and the milk in the fridge was between 1 and 3 days old, so too "old" to be frozen. You can, though, freeze breastmilk in a standard fridge-freezer for up to 3 months, which is great! A deep freezer for 6+ months. Thanks for the suggestion, though. :)

Anonymous said...

Ohhhhh Jen,
That hurts about the milk!!! I hope that's my old pink Nalgene bottle being put to good use!
Love, Jess