Saturday, November 04, 2006

Baby Shower Fun!

Well, today was the big day... Sarah called it Jen Day! Really, though, I think it was about the mysterious Baby Moore. We got so many fun things for baby! YAY! We played some neat games too including: Naming the TV show given a specific child character & Identify the type of chocolate candy that's been melted to resemble poopie in a "diaper." Now to the fun part... the gifts :) Here's what I've gotten pics of so far:
-A neat basket filled with some fun goodies-

-The Baby Bedding-

-Baby Blanket made w/love from Auntie Becca-
-THE G Galore "Travel System"-
-An Umbrella Stroller (Grandma Eastwood's #1 Recommended Travel Necesity)-

Other exciting presents include bottles, Baby Bjorn carrier, lots of cute onsies, a few bibs, books for baby, A super SWEET 80's Denise Austin Pregnancy Workout tape (YES, that's VHS not DVD...thanks BRF), and more :) Thanks to all who came... pics from the shower will be posted once I get them (Sarah B took lots) OH, and I can't forget the MN Northstar's Hockey t-shirt from Jen & Chris as well as Mtn. Bike Mick and his wife Bev :) Brendan is SO jealous!!!

Happy November!!! Maybe I'll be an Aunt myself soon, too... Brendan's sis Bri is due in 3 weeks, but sounds like she could go any time :)

~jen and baby m


Anonymous said...

YAy Jen!! It sounds like a fun shower and you recieved some pretty cool stuff for baby M! I'm so glad you had a good time and sorry I wasn't there to share it.
Lots of love,
ps - belly picture, please:)

Anonymous said...

You got some great stuff! That travel stroller will certainly come in handy when you don't want to lug the big one out, when the baby gets bigger. It will be great for walks and what not. I need you address, because I would like to send you a baby present to!! :)

Eric O. said...

Where's the Burley trailer? Brendan could have a little resistance training for next year.
That makes a good picture, some dude at the front of a group ride pulling a burley.

Jenn said...

The burley is coming... he's probably waiting to see what comes out for next year :) I already picked out the jogger stroller: red, black and silver... matches his bikes, so now I can run while he bikes (or something like that) :)

Brendan said...

I am holding out for the carbon fiber burley with the crossmax slr wheels.