Wednesday, August 08, 2007

6 Month Stats

Here they are.... (drumroll please)
Height: 27 1/2" --- 88-90% (the sheet they gave me says 88% but the Doc said 90%)
Weight: 20 lbs 11 oz --- 95% (OINK OINK!)
Head Circumference: 43.5 (cm I'm assuming) -- 28%

There ya go... The doctor says he looks great and that all the nurses were commenting on how cute he was when I brought him in. He giggled as he said it and then added... "it's the eyes!" I do admit, he's got some mezmorizing eyes! :)
Love to all!!! ~j
OH... here's a pic of Tegan trying to blog :)

1 comment:

Tracy said...

I saw on an earlier post your issues with a daycare provider. In my hometown, they have something called the Child Care Connection. All of the home daycares that are registered and checked out by the state are also registered there. They call the providers every quarter to check for availbility and prices etc. Your town might have something along that line to lead you in the right direction if you are not already there.