Saturday, August 25, 2007

A Weekend With the Boys

This weekend was that of the 24 hours of Afton race. The race began at 5 o'clock p.m. Friday and ended today, Saturday, at 5 o'clock p.m. Daddy and his team did wonderfully, as expected. They ended up winning by 4+ laps, not too bad when each lap took about 35 minutes, so they were ahead by 140 min. :) Even though there were a few girls there with Mr. T this weekend (Jen Meyer and me) there was a very large amount of testosterone around!
The pre-race festivities included Jen Meyer, Tegan and I arriving at Afton Alps at around 11a.m. to claim a good camping area (i.e. one close enough to tap into some electricity), set up a few shade canopies and... that's about it. :) As you can see, Tegan was very helpful!

Yes, as you can see the Jumperoo made the trip with us... the big boys had their bikes and Tegan had his Jumperoo :)

Right around 3p.m. the guys began to show up. Before we knew it we were heading down to the startline...Since Daddy wasn't the first man to ride he and Tegan got to spend some fun time together.

A little later more help arrived in the form of Brendan's cousin Jeff. Tegan was very excited to have someone to show one of his latest talents... putting his pacifier in his mouth all by himself!
Jeff then began explaining the importance blocks of varying colors and shapes throughout the history of the world... or something like that. Tegan found it VERY interesting!

Before we knew it, it was bedtime (7 p.m. comes quickly)! So, I tried to put T down in the RV (not ours, Brendan's teammate/friend Paul's). After a few hours of Tegan taking catnaps and then getting really crabby I decided it was time to head over to Jen & Chris's house for the night...

Flash forward to this morning... Grandpa Moore was excited to finally get to spend some time with The Big Man (a.k.a. Tegan), so I didn't hesitate to take advantage of yet another set of hands... or shoulders. :)

Tegan also got his first taste of Twizzlers today... after a few licks he seemed to like it, but unfortunately the experience was short lived as he kept dropping it in the grass and Daddy will only lick it clean so many times!
Next thing we knew it was nap time, then lunch time, and then T was already ready for his next nap, so no more pictures to share of the little dude. I did, however, get a chance to go pretend I was a professional photographer and got a few shots I thought were pretty cool... If you are a downhill skier or snowboarder you might like the first one. Bikers will appreciate the 2nd :)

Love to all!!!


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